Tag: grandparents

Why Not Friday Round-Up

Why, Arizona can be a question or a place depending on whether you use a comma. The first time we came through “town” I saw the official sign for Why that included when it was established and how many people live there. So the… Continue Reading “Why Not Friday Round-Up”

Playing the Long Game

For all my brave talk, all my “I’m really Stevie Nicks” under these black dress pants and sensible shoes, for all my aging is a joyous, beautiful thing, a lucky thing, priceless if you take it in the right way, all my advice to… Continue Reading “Playing the Long Game”

It’s What Happens Next

The alarming thing about wanting people to step up is that sometimes they do just that. When that happens, everything that was set in place to accommodate their resistance to stepping up gets jumbled. All of the adjustments, in-fill, sacrifice, work-arounds, the vast repertoire of excuses and overlooks… Continue Reading “It’s What Happens Next”

Happy is a Razor

The tiny box of razor blades was right where I knew it would be, buried on the second shelf of the linen closet, amidst hotel bottles of shampoo and bubble packs of cold medicine. It was on my walk that it came to me.… Continue Reading “Happy is a Razor”

The Cozy Night

Words I never thought I’d say: I miss school nights. Every night for the past several years, I have been grateful that it’s just me and the mister. We cook, we talk, we eat, we watch TV, we relax. We don’t do homework, wonder… Continue Reading “The Cozy Night”

Sorority Sister

Tuesday night just as the youth choir sang the first few bars of the Star Spangled Banner, after I’d drunk down an inch of my Miller Lite, and before the Milwaukee Brewers took the field to lose what would be a 14-inning game to… Continue Reading “Sorority Sister”

Start Where You Are, Use What You Have: Involving Dads in their Kids’ Lives

This is week 2 of my little campaign to figure out ways to make my son have fun with his daughter.  Last week it was sledding.  Today, skating. Don’t bother me with “you shouldn’t have to do that.”  I shouldn’t.  But I do.  And I am.  So… Continue Reading “Start Where You Are, Use What You Have: Involving Dads in their Kids’ Lives”