Tag: writer’s block

99 New: The Flat Arc of Laziness

Having any kind of writing life is to fret and expect sympathy. As if non-writers can relate to or care about one’s manufactured angst. “My writing life is a mess,” I complained this morning. My husband was reading the sports page. “Too many reruns.… Continue Reading “99 New: The Flat Arc of Laziness”

Stop Whining

Writer’s block is a place where people who like sitting around in their Target bathrobes and fuzzy Hello Kitty slippers live while they talk about being bloggers or writers or whatever. It’s an excuse for not delivering the goods, for being so beside oneself… Continue Reading “Stop Whining”

On Why I Can’t Write Anything Decent Tonight

Every topic runs up a short, limbless tree that squirrels abandoned months ago in favor of leafier, greener, more intentional trees; every thought is stumped by what comes next, hesitation dries the well. _____________ 33 words inspired by my exasperation at my inability to… Continue Reading “On Why I Can’t Write Anything Decent Tonight”

One True Thing

“All you have to do is write one true sentence.” Ernest Hemingway’s advice to writers is legendary.  One true sentence, that’s all it takes to get going again.  “Write the truest sentence you know.” I’ve been stuck for weeks in my writing.  I feel… Continue Reading “One True Thing”