Tag: Time of the Month Club


The room is full of nuns. They’re easy to spot with their short hair and pastel blouses, elastic waist pants, and sensible shoes. More than that, they have an aura of calm and camaraderie that I think comes from having been together a long… Continue Reading “Held”


My sister sat outside the bathroom door yelling instructions to me. It went on forever, mostly because what she was telling me to do was unbelievable. It was my first tampon lesson. Now I collect tampons and pads and give them to women who… Continue Reading “Truckin’”

28,776 Times

We just finished the third Time of the Month Club donation drive. The ending tally was 28,776 tampons, pads and wipes for women who are homeless in Milwaukee. The supplies are delivered to emergency shelters and outreach programs and put to use right away.… Continue Reading “28,776 Times”

7 Steps to Organizing a Menstrual Supplies Drive for Homeless Women

Women who are homeless suffer a lot of indignities. One of them is being without tampons and pads when their periods occur. Put yourself in their place. How would you feel? Homeless shelters do a tremendous job of providing a safe place to sleep… Continue Reading “7 Steps to Organizing a Menstrual Supplies Drive for Homeless Women”