Tag: Feminism

We Wear Beautiful Shoes

Within the past month, at separate events, I’ve met Cecile Richards and Nancy Pelosi and I can tell you this – they both wear terrific shoes. I pay attention to shoes. In fact, I craned my neck to see what kind of shoes Nancy… Continue Reading “We Wear Beautiful Shoes”

How It Was

It’s 1954 and you’re the leader of a group of Camp Fire girls. You host their weekly meetings, plan little crafts with acorns and pipe cleaners, make sure they all have their outfits pressed for the 4th of July Parade, and, when the local… Continue Reading “How It Was”


  If you stay at home Your face will miss the bright sun Warming your sisters __________________________ Here is a list of all of the Women’s March on Washington sister marches around the world,  

In This Election: Politics Is Personal

The presidential election is painful for a lot of us girls. First of all, we’re conflict averse. Oh, we understand conflict and can wield a sharp sword but it’s on the silent battlefield where we win. Articulated conflict is upsetting, especially those of us of… Continue Reading “In This Election: Politics Is Personal”

What’s Different When Women Run Things

The people who say they won’t vote for Hillary Clinton just because she’s a woman are driving me nuts. It’s the latest thing in feminism, apparently, to eschew voting for an extremely well-qualified female candidate in favor of another in the legion of white… Continue Reading “What’s Different When Women Run Things”

Note to Millennials: Saying Doesn’t Make It So

I get why young Progressives are supporting Bernie Sanders. I’d be disappointed in them if they didn’t. Don’t get me wrong. I completely support Hillary Clinton. I list my reasons in an essay published in July. My opinion hasn’t changed; it’s just become firmer:… Continue Reading “Note to Millennials: Saying Doesn’t Make It So”

Missing in Action

It’s so interesting to me that we seem to accept without question that the shooting, bombing and beheading going on in the world all seems to be done by men as if they were 99% of the population instead of 50%. Where is the… Continue Reading “Missing in Action”

Minnie and BowWow Go on Vacation

Minnie: It’s so sad when it rains on vacation. BowWow: Who cares? It’s just water. Minnie: Oh. That must be why you’re always crying under the bed whenever it’s going to rain. And why the mister has to crawl under the bed and fetch… Continue Reading “Minnie and BowWow Go on Vacation”

Minnie and BowWow Get an Invitation from Donald Trump’s Dog

BowWow: We got an invitation from Donald Trump’s dog. Minnie: An invitation to what? Why would Donald Trump’s dog invite us to something? BowWow: It’s a new deal. Republicans figured out that dogs have a lot of influence over their people, you know, in… Continue Reading “Minnie and BowWow Get an Invitation from Donald Trump’s Dog”

Why I’m Absolutely, 100% for Hillary Clinton

I’ve been watching as former Hillary supporters fall deeper and deeper in love with Bernie Sanders. Every day, there are new Bernie Sanders memes on Facebook, one friend after another sharing the latest capsule summary of his great ideas. Unlike other ‘five things you… Continue Reading “Why I’m Absolutely, 100% for Hillary Clinton”