Yesterday’s News

The news is that I am one of several writers recognized as a Voice of the Year by BlogHer. In the blogging world, the VOTY designation is a coveted, wonderful thing. But it always seemed to me to be something that much younger writers attained, people who were funnier, edgier, on the inside of the blogging world while I was standing outside on the window sill with my Windex and ancient squeegee.

I consider being designated as a VOTY to be a combination of extraordinary luck, persistence and writing skill honed by writing 650 blog posts over the past five years, those things and a willingness to be almost totally exposed in the search for understanding of my own situation.

When I got the news yesterday – and it was an astounding, outrageous, joyous piece of news to get, believe me – I couldn’t even read the piece that was selected. I just remembered it as being very painful to write but ultimately becoming a call for my own action to overcome a hearing disability that had been beating me to shit for years. The essay is Blindsided.

It is probably the truest essay I have ever written and perhaps the one of which I am most proud. That BlogHer picked this one is gratifying on the deepest level. I just read it again and it made me cry. Thank God I don’t have to read it at the BlogHer event in New York City in July. I just have to go, get my award and pose for pictures along with a lot of younger, funnier, and edgier people.

I will be the one with the biggest smile.

17 Comments on “Yesterday’s News

  1. Partly because we share the same disability, Blindsided is one of my favorite pieces. Congratulations! Well deserved.

  2. Congratulations on winning an award so well deserved. I admire your writing so much, particularly for your “willingness to be almost totally exposed in the search for understanding of my own situation,” which was the trait I noticed right away when I found your blog. Do smile. Smile radiantly. It’s a grand thing you’ve achieved.

  3. You continue to amaze and inspire me – congratulations on this incredible and much deserved honor and long overdue recognition!!

  4. Jan, I am so excited for you. WOW! I have enjoyed so many of your posts but that one was my favorite, too. How wonderful that you don’t have to hear the voices of others to write powerful posts by hearing your own voice.

  5. Way to go, Jan! You just gave me a good excuse to head for NYC in July to see cousin Richard and perhaps, join in on the celebration!!!

  6. Very loud congratulations! As I’ve said numerous times, your blog posts always, always touch a chord with me, whether it’s making me think, making me laugh, or on a few occasions, making me tear up.

  7. Warmest congratulations to you – I just read your essay and it was so inspirational. You deserve this recognition and I hope you enjoy every minute of it 🙂

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